Jeff Metcalf Internship Program

The Jeff Metcalf Internship Program is the premier internship program at the University of Chicago. A national model for university internship programs for more than a quarter-century, the Metcalf Program provides paid, substantive internships for students in the College. Students receive more than 4,500 Metcalf internships each year across a highly diverse range of industries and geographic locations.

How to Find Metcalf Internships

To search for Metcalf internships:

  • Log in to your UChicago Handshake account

  • Click "Jobs"

  • Click "All Filters"

  • In the dropdown menu, scroll down to "Labeled by Your School"

  • Select “2024-25 metcalf”

Career Advancement publishes a weekly newsletter, highlighting Metcalf opportunities with upcoming deadlines, as well as a comprehensive spreadsheet with all available positions. Stay informed and sign up for the newsletter!

Once you've secured your Metcalf Internship, please see the Metcalf Internship Welcome Kit.

Questions About Metcalf Internships?

If you have questions about the Metcalf Internship Program, check out the Metcalf Frequently Asked Questions

City Guides for Metcalfs

Download city guides for tips and information about living and working in different locations while doing your Metcalf.

Student Support

Career Advancement supports students at every stage of the Metcalf experience with:

  • Personalized internship advising and application reviews

  • Situational support and guidance during the internship

  • Opportunities to share feedback, including a mid-summer check-in survey and an end-of-summer evaluation


Students can receive compensation in three ways:

  • Payment by the Host Organization

    • Employer will pay students directly and handle all onboarding procedures.

  • Metcalf stipend from Career Advancement

    • UChicago will offer funding to help students offset their living expenses. A standard stipend amount for full-time experiences will be $4,000.

    • Any internship of 8 weeks or more (320+ hours) is considered a full-time experience.

  • Grant for student-secured internships

Jeff Metcalf

Program History and Legacy

Learn how generations of UChicago alumni have launched successful careers through the Jeff Metcalf Internship Program!