UChicago Tech Showcase

Learn new technical skills and build a portfolio you can share with employers at the UChicago Tech Showcase! Organized by the Careers in Computer Science program, the UChicago Tech Showcase is a friendly competition open to all College students.

The UChicago Tech Showcase has two components: a project work period lasting several weeks and a final showcase where students present on their projects to a panel of expert judges.

Opportunities for Alumni and Employers

We welcome employers and alumni to participate as judges, mentors, and sponsors for the Tech Showcase program.

As an employer or alumni participant, you receive a special tech resume book and the chance to share career opportunities at your organization with students. Reach out to Steph Avalos-Bock at stephab@uchicago.edu.

How It Works

  • Students can work individually or in teams

  • Teams identify a challenge and design a technical solution that will make a positive contribution

  • Students can work on problems in any area (e.g., healthcare, climate change) and can submit any type of technical project, including apps, machine learning algorithms, and internet of things devices

  • During the competition period, students have access to mentors and office hours to support all aspects of their projects, including technical troubleshooting, product design, and presentations consulting

  • On the day of the final Tech Showcase, students gather to celebrate each other's work and present their projects to a panel of special guest judges, mentors, and employer partners

Potential technical skills students can learn include programming languages like Python and Go, frameworks like React.js and Django, databases like MongoDB and MySQL, web services like AWS and GCP, design tools like Figma and Sketch, and project management tools like GitHub and Jira.

Get Involved

The 2024 final showcase will take place in September 2024. We’ll be inviting the UChicago Computer Science community to review and vote on selected projects! Students who are interested in the 2024 UChicago Technical Showcase should join the Careers in Computer Science Slack group for updates and application announcements.


For more information about the UChicago Tech Showcase, please contact Steph Avalos-Bock at stephab@uchicago.edu.