Post-College Outcomes

Each year, UChicago students secure offers for a highly diverse range of post-college opportunities. College alumni are employed by leading organizations in a variety of industries, pursuing advanced degrees at top graduate programs, starting their own businesses, and serving the greater good through organizations such as the Peace Corps and Teach for America.

This page provides information on post-college offers for the most recent UChicago graduating class, the Class of 2024.

Class of 2024 Post-College Offers

Data Methodology

This data reflects students’ offer status as of June 2024 and includes undergraduate students who graduated in Autumn Quarter 2023, Winter Quarter 2024, and Spring Quarter 2024.

Class of 2024 Job and Graduate School Offer Data

99% of Class of 2024 students had received an offer for employment, graduate school, or other post-college opportunities at the time of graduation. Of those students, 70% received employment offers and 30% received graduate school offers.

Employment Offer Industries

  • Arts & Entertainment - 6%

  • Consulting & Corporate - 17%

  • Education - 10%

  • Entrepreneurship/Start-Ups - 1%

  • Financial Services - 29%

  • Government, Nonprofit, and Social Services - 10%

  • Healthcare - 6%

  • Journalism, Marketing, and Advertising - 2%

  • Law - 4%

  • Science & Technology - 15%

This shows data for Class of 2024 students who received an employment offer and reported an industry.

99%99% of Class of 2024 students received offers for post-college opportunities

Law School Admissions

83% law school acceptance rate

Law School 83%

Medical School Admissions

90% medical school acceptance rate

90% Med School

Class of 2024 Post-College Destinations

  • Midwestern U.S.: 49.7%

  • New England: 29.1%

  • Southern U.S.: 4.0%

  • Western U.S.: 10.2%

  • International: 7.0%

This data reflects post-college destinations for Class of 2024 students who reported where they would be working or studying after graduation.